Michael and I went with Michael's brother to the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal park. They have recently changed the name to the San Diego Zoo's Safari Zone! But they have not changed the sign yet.
a gigantic balloon that you could take rides in!
Next was the Bonsai garden. This is a Pomegranate tree! But it was only 2 1/2 feet tall!! And get this, it actually produced fruit! Only 3 or 4 fruits a year because growing fruit it very hard on the tree but still full size pomegranates on the tiny tree!
There were all kinds of cool shapes of trees and this was a cool forest piece. Its amazing the things people can do.
Next stop our African Safari!! Michael says it wasn't anything like Africa but Jordan and I really enjoyed it! We were on a car with animal pictures all above us so as we were driving and our tour guide was telling us all the animals we were seeing we were trying to find the pictures on the ceiling to better identify the animals.
Looks like a fun place. It's cool that you guys are getting to spend some time with Jordan before you leave. Hope the plans are still coming together like you planned.